Swiss politician Branquino: The PKK must be removed from list of terrorist organisations

In Switzerland, signatures are being collected for the removal of the PKK from the "terrorist lists". Local politician Tiago Branquino supports the international campaign and calls for the Kurdish movement to be decriminalized.

The international campaign for the removal of the PKK from the EU and US lists of terrorist organizations continues to collect signatures in Switzerland. On Friday, the Kurdish youth movement (TCŞ/TekoJIN) provided information about the campaign and collected signatures at a stand at the Stauffacher tram stop in Zurich.

Information stands in other cities in Switzerland have been announced for this weekend. In the coming days, the campaign will also be advertised with targeted home visits.

"The Kurdish liberation struggle must be decriminalized"

The campaign, which started in December, is also supported by local Swiss politicians. Tiago Branquino of the political party Décroissance Alternatives (DA) is second vice president of the local council of Vevey in the French-speaking canton of Vaud and has already collected dozens of signatures from those around him.

The local politician sees himself as an ecology activist and has been involved with the Kurdish liberation movement for about three years. Branquino told ANF that the PKK is the movement of an oppressed people that is being criminalized by EU states and international institutions. The PKK must be removed from the list of terrorist organisations."