Taksim Solidarity Platform's leading figures detained – FLASH
Taksim Solidarity Platform's leading figures detained – FLASH
Taksim Solidarity Platform's leading figures detained – FLASH
Police attack against Gezi protestors on Istanbul's İstiklal Avenue is continuing.
Dozens of people have been reported taken into custody during the violent intervention.
Among those detained are leading figures of Taksim Solidarity Platform, TMMOB (Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) member Mücella Yapıcı, Ongun Yücel, Secretary General of Istanbul Medical Board, Ali Çerkezoğlu, HDK (People's Democratic Congress) Executive Council member Ender İmrek, TKP (Communist Party of Turkey) executive board member Erkan Baş, Chamber of City Planners Istanbul Branch Secretary Akif Burak Atlar, TMMOB IKK Secretary Süleyman Solmaz, EMO (Chamber of Electrical Engineers) Istanbul Branch Chair Beyza Metin and Haluk Yüksel.
Three people have been reported hospitalized.