TCŞ and TEKO-JIN call for participation in global action week

The Kurdish youth organizations TCŞ and TEKO-JIN follow the call of the network #RiseUp4Rojava and also call for the global action week "From Kobanê to the World: Rise up against Fascism!” from 01.11. to 08.11.

In 2014/15, the whole world witnessed the heroic resistance in Kobanê led by the YPG and YPJ. Through the successful struggle in Kobanê, the glorious Rojava Revolution, based on the paradigm of women's liberation, ecology and radical democracy of the PKK, formed by Abdullah Ocalan, spread. To date, thousands of young people from all over the world have participated in the revolution in the Middle East and many have given their lives for their conviction of victory. A global movement was born, which gained hope through this struggle and solidarized with the resistance and organized itself through it.

Today, Kobanês spirit of resistance is carried on especially in Heftanîn! In times when the achievements of the revolution are threatened above all by the fascist Turkish state, its jihadist militias and other imperialist powers. First and foremost, through the continued isolation of the visionary of a peaceful and democratic Middle East, Abdullah Ocalan, who has been held prisoner for nearly 22 years, the capitalist nation-states aim to monopolize the revolution and prevent any political solution to the Kurdish question. Not only Rojava is the target of Turkish fascism and great power interests, but also Bakur (Northern Kurdistan), where the people are fighting to defend their democratic achievements and cultural identity against the political annihilation campaign, and Başur (Southern Kurdistan), where there is currently also a fierce guerrilla resistance against the Turkish army and its collaborators.  At the same time, Erdogan's Islamist hordes are raging in Libya, Armenia and recently also on the streets of Europe. It is now time to oppose isolation, fascism and occupation everywhere and to destroy the fantasies Erdoğans of a Neo-Ottoman Empire.

The fascist AKP-MHP regime of Erdogan and its supporters from USA, Russia to EU should understand that they play with fire. The fire is the international revolutionary youth that will turn the system of fascism into ashes.

With the spirit of resistance of Kobanê, we call on all young people to take action from November 1-8, in large numbers, creatively and resolutely, and

Each day of the action week is dedicated to a specific theme of the revolution (more information Together we will defend the revolution and with our struggle we will carry the seeds of the revolution into the world! We call on all our local groups and all young people to join the Action Week to light the fire of the Rojava Revolution in every place in the world!

End isolation, fascism and occupation - Rise Up Together!#RiseupAgainstFascism #SmashTurkishFascism