Aytaç Baran, President of the Scholarship Service Aid and Survey Association (İlim Hizmet Yardımlaşma ve Araştırma Derneği -Yeni İHYA-DER), known with close ties with the radical Islamist Hür Dava (Free Cause) Part, HÜDA-PAR, has been killed in an armed attack in Şehitlik neighborhood in Yenişehir district of Amed.
Baran, who was rushed to hospital after suffering a serious injury, has died.
The death of the association president was followed by the attack of an armed group who came to the scene and started opening fire around, shouting “We will bring PKK to book”. The group which also attacked the reporters covering the incident wounded two reporters of DHA (Doğan News Agency) with cleaver. The reporters were taken to hospital with serious wounds.
While the local inhabitants have left the area in the face of increasing attacks, it is reported that police teams are just firing tear gas from far away the scene where assailants continue opening random fire around.
Tension in the area continues.