The crisis deepens, the inflation increases in Turkey

According to TÜIK, monthly inflation increased by 0.35 percent and annual inflation increased by 12.37 percent in February.

TÜIK, the Turkish Statistical Institute, has released figures for both the Domestic Producer Price Index and the Consumer Price Index.

Domestic producer price index (D-PPI) increased by 9.26% on annual basis, increased by 0.48% on monthly basis while consumer price index (CPI) increased by 12.37% annually and 0.35% monthly in February, said TÜIK.

A rise in general index was realized in CPI (2003=100) on the previous month by 0.35%, on December of the previous year by 1.71%, on same month of the previous year by 12.37% and on the twelve months moving averages basis by 13.94% in February 2020.
In February the other groups that indicated a decrease were alcoholic beverages and tobacco with 1.34%, transportation with 0.38% and communication with 0.22% amongst the main groups. On the other hand, food and non-alcoholic beverages with 2.33%, health with 2.03% and education with 0.86% were the main groups where high monthly increases realized.

As for the D-PPI (2003=100) increased by 0.48% on monthly basis, increased by 2.33% on December of the previous year basis, increased by 9.26% on same month of the previous year basis and increased by 14.18% on the twelve months moving averages basis in February 2020.