Third Airport Workers on trial
What is on trial is the determination to not give in to slavery work conditions, said unions.
What is on trial is the determination to not give in to slavery work conditions, said unions.
The Platform in Solidarity with the 3rd Airport Workers made a statement before the opening of the trial against the workers who protested poor working conditions of the airport.
The statement was made in front of Gaziosmanpaşa (GOP) just before the first hearing began.
62 workers are on trial, 31 of which in prison. Among those are Dev Yapı-İş Chairman Özgür Karabulut and 4 İnşaat-İş executives.
HDP deputy Oya Ersoy, the Democratic Peoples' Congress (HDK) Co-Spokesperson Onur Hamzaoğlu, Republican People's Party (CHP) deputies Kani Beko, Ali Seker, Turkey Workers Party (TIP) Chairman Erkan joined the action together with many workers and families of those on trial.
52 workers have died
Tezcan Acu, İnşaat-İş (construction union) Board of Directors member, said that the companies responsible for death on the workplace should be on trial, not workers.
“We stand behind the demands of our friends. - he said - We demand rights and freedom for the construction workers.”
Dev Yapi-Is Chairman Özgür Karabulut’s wife, Ayla Karabulut said: “Today, workers and trade unionists are saying no to work in bad and unsafe conditions. 52 workers were killed during construction work for the airport, but no boss was put on trial. Today, - she said - I want both workers and trade unionists to be released.”
A press release was read by Haluk Ağabeyoğlu, a member of Solidarity Platform with 3rd Airport Workers.
Ağaoğlu said that the construction of the 3rd Airport was a hell of an exploitation for workers. "Today there is actually the entire working class put on trial. What is on trial is the determination to not give in to slavery work conditions.”
After the press release, the group entered the GOP courthouse to attend the hearing.
The hearing began at the 14th Criminal Court of First Instance of the Gaziosmanpaşa Court.
The press and the families of the workers were not allowed into the courtroom.