"Those making war budgets are responsible for suicides"
Amed Labor and Democracy Platform accused those who used budget for war to be responsible for the increasing suicide cases.
Amed Labor and Democracy Platform accused those who used budget for war to be responsible for the increasing suicide cases.
Amed Labor and Democracy Platform made a press statement in Sanat Street about the appointment of trustees and recent suicide cases.
Speaking on behalf of the Platform, Yasemin Noyan read the statement in Turkish while Orhan Ilim read it in Kurdish.
Noyan reminded that there have been 3 cases of collective suicide in the past 10 days, and added that the economic dimension of the suicides is distorted by media groups managed from a single center.
"The reality we are facing - said Noyan - is one of growing difference in income, growing poverty and unemployment."
According to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), unemployment stood at 14.0 percent in August. The unemployment rate climbed 2.9 percentage points year-on-year.
The number of jobless people aged 15 and older was 4.65 million, up 980,000 from August 2018.
The youth unemployment rate - the 15-24 age group - also rose 6.6 points on an annual basis to 27.4 percent in the month.
Some 55.4 percent of total employment was in the services sector, 19.6 percent in agriculture, 19.5 percent in industry, and 5.5 percent in construction.
Noyan said: "We know the reason for these figures and we know the responsible of these figures."
Noyan called on the working people to unite against fascism and raise the struggle for labor rights.