Thousands at Paris rally: “We are a part of this struggle for justice”

“End this disgrace and secure justice” said thousands who joined a rally in Paris today against the French state blockade of the investigation into the murders of Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez.

The Kurdish Women's Movement in France (TJK-F) and the umbrella organisation Democratic Kurdish Council in France (CDK-F) staged a massive rally in Paris today to mark tomorrow's anniversary of the triple murder of PKK co-founder Sakine Cansız (Sara), KNK Paris Representative Fidan Doğan (Rojbin) and Youth Movement Member Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahi). Since the morning, many people have gathered at the Gare du Nord, including relatives of the murdered women and representatives of political parties and organisations from France and Turkey.

The demonstrators demanded a legal investigation into the triple murder committed by the Turkish secret service MIT in Paris on 9 January 2013. The trial was suspended shortly before its start following the death of the contract killer Ömer Güney in French custody. A reopening of the investigation initiated by the relatives is being blocked due to political pressure; the information on the crime available to the Turkish authorities is considered a state secret.

During the march from Gare Du Nord to Republique Square, which lasted an hour, various organisations stood shoulder to shoulder and demanded justice for the three Kurdish women. The participants included members of the French women’s movement, Communist Party, Union of Communists, Solidaires Union, MRAP, Anti-Capitalist Party, anarchists, Socialist Women’s Union and revolutionary associations from Turkey.


Following the march which lasted an hour, Şengül Karaca and Necmettin Demiralp in the name of the Kurdish Women’s Movement in France, and the Democratic Kurdish Council in France saluted the participants and called on the French government to finally act to shed light on the triple murder.

Sakine Cansız’s brother Metin Cansız and Fidan Doğan's father Hasan Doğan saluted the participants of the rally in the name of the families.

“We have been marching with you for exactly nine years. To our regret, the French government has not kept the promise it made to us that day,” said Hasan Doğan, and urged France to abandon its hypocritical policy.

Metin Cansız also welcomed “the comrades of Sara, Ronahi and Rojbin” and highlighted the demand of millions for justice for the three Kurdish women. He called on France to secure justice, vowing that their struggle would continue unabated.

Speaking in the name of the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe, Besime Konca vowed to follow in the footsteps of Sakine, Fidan and Leyla. Remarking that the resistance of the three Kurdish revolutionaries continues in the four parts of Kurdistan today, Konca condemned the French state for trying to cover up the massacre perpetrated by Erdoğan's fascism in Paris.

Suzy Rojtman, Spokesperson of the National Women’s Coordination in France representing 80 French women’s institutions that called for the rally, said, “The bullets fired at these women were at the same time aimed at the feminist struggle. The Turkish state was encouraged by the Turkish state in the killing of three women in the heart of Paris. We have been following this case and we will continue to do so. We did and will not remain silent. The struggle of women will continue.”

Kongra-Gel Co-Chair Remzi Kartal stressed that resistance will prevail against Erdoğan fascism’s annihilation and denial concept against the Kurdish freedom movement. “We know the perpetrators. France will be an accomplice as long as it fails to shed light on the massacre,” he said.

Ara Toranian, Co-Chair of the Council of Armenian Organisations Coordination in France (CCAF), spoke in the name of the Armenian people and pointed out that the mindset that perpetrated the Armenian Genocide is still alive today. Toranian stressed that the people’s struggle will be enhanced against the fascism of Erdoğan.


Following speeches were given by representatives of the Communist Party, Socialist Party and Alexandra Cordebard, Mayor of the 10th district of Paris.

“The Kurdish people have presented a model for the co-existence of peoples in the Middle East. In response, they are called terrorists by those who carry out terrorist acts against them. This is just unacceptable. The French government should immediately secure justice for the three Kurdish women murdered in Paris,” said a statement on behalf of the Communist delegation.

Socialist Party Senator Rémi Féraud stressed that they will continue to follow the case closely, adding, “I have submitted motions to the Senate for the removal of the confidentiality on the casefile and establishment of justice. Our government should do its part in this sense. Our struggle will continue.”

Mayor Alexandra Cordebard said, “The killing of three women in my constituency is unacceptable. This triple murder also targeted all the Kurds whom we receive with honor. We are a part of this struggle for justice.”

Speaking after, Left Party Co-Chairperson Jean-Christophe Sellin said, “A struggle for justice has been continuing for 9 years. As we said back then, we stand with the cause of the Kurdish people. The French state is supposed to stand by the Kurdish people’s struggle. Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, Selahattin Demirtaş, Figen Yüksekdağ, Sebahat Tuncel and all our comrades from the HDP and the PKK should be released immediately. Remove the PKK from the list of terrorist organizations and secure justice for our comrades Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez.”

Further speeches by French politicians and activists demanding justice were followed by the musical performance of artist Meral Alkan paying tribute to Sakine, Fidan and Leyla.