The AKP in Van, the Van Governor's Office, the Police Department, district governors, and other state institutions are slandering the HDP by making propaganda for the AKP in neighbourhoods and villages.
Van Governor and Metropolitan Municipality trustee, M. Emin Bilmez, participates in all the activities of the AKP, and works as AKP Van Provincial co-chair. The Chief of Police also joined the work by visiting tradesmen.
The Governor trustee also got on his feet. He wrote to the district directorates of national education, asking them to visit students’ homes and ensure the integration of the state and the nation.
Official letters for "Family Visits" included the following statements: "School principals and vice principals should accompany teachers as much as possible during family visits, in neighbourhoods where people determined to be involved in a terrorist organization are. The families receive some gifts during these visits, and the results achieved should be written in reports and presented to the District Governor's Office…”
The Van Provincial Mufti has been on the offensive lately. The Van Provincial Mufti, which went to villages where even the AKP Provincial administration did not go, turned mosques into AKP propaganda bases. "Mosque-Youth" meetings were held in the Gürpınar district of Van, within the scope of the "Value for Youth" project carried out by the Presidency of Religious Affairs throughout Turkey. At the meetings, the Mufti officials, who promised jobs and a future to the young people, told them: "If you get stuck, our door is always open, come and have a tea."