Turkish police attack protesting hostages from Kobanê

Turkish police attack protesting hostages from Kobanê

261 people from Kobanê, including children, pregnant women, elderly people and journalists, who came to Turkey through the Mürşitpınar border gate after clashes intensified on 6 October, have protested after continuing to be held as hostages in a sports hall despite being promised they would be released.

The people from Kobanê, many of whom have been on hunger strike, broke windows at the sports hall and shouted ‘long live the resistance of Kobanê’.

Turkish police and soldiers fired tear gas into the Suruç sports hall where the hostages are being held.

HDP deputies decide to stay with hostages

On hearing of the incident, HDP deputies İbrahim Ayhan, İbrahim Binici, Faysal Sarıyıldız and Aysel Tuğluk asked to speak to the hostages. After meeting them the deputies decided to remain with them. İbrahim Ayhan said: “We will not leave until all the hostages have been released.”

Local people outside the sports hall demonstrated their support for the hostages by shouting: ‘long live the resistance of Kobanê’.