Turkish sergeants who sexually assaulted minors in Çukurca set free

Out of 5 Turkish sergeants who sexually assaulted two minors during a concert in Çukurca, 2 were detained for a short while and then set free.

Turkish specialized sergeants who sexually assaulted two minors during a concert in Çukurca district of Hakkari were set free after a short detention.

The sexual assault took place during a concert on the last day of "Çukurca Photo Safari and Nature Sports Festival" organized by Hakkari Governorate in the district.

Young people attending the concert intervened against the specialized sergeants when they noticed the sexual harassment of children aged 16 and 17. The assaulted sergeants were taken to hospital and the families of the sexually harassed minors filed a complaint.

While 2 of 5 specialized sergeants involved in the sexual assault were detained upon complaint, they were released after giving their statements at the police station.

It is reported that the concerned specialized sergeants filed a complaint against the young people who intervened them.