The Long March, traditionally held every year to demand freedom for Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan, will be held in France this year from Sierentz to Strasbourg, with the slogan ‘By will, ciwanên Apoyî emê Rêber Apo azad’ (We will free leader Apo with the determination of the young Apoists).
The Long March has been held in Europe for more than 20 years, promoted by Kurdish youth organisations and will be held this year as part of the "Werin Cenga Azadiyê" campaign.
The action organizing committee has issued a call to young people and it is expected that hundreds of activists will attend from France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, England and many other European countries.
The youth organisations stressed that this year’s Long March will be organized in the spirit of the revolutionary campaigns Cenga Xabûr and Bazên Zagrosê, and that they will send a message to the European states that cooperate with the Turkish state militarily, politically and economically and support the Kurdish genocide. The committee said, “Kurdish and internationalist young people will unite. We will resist and win against capitalism, fascism and colonialism.”
Young people will gather in the Swiss city of Basel on 5 February. And the program will develop as follows:
05.02.2022/ Elsässerstrasse 215a 4056 Basel, Switzerland – Meeting Point
06.02.2022/ Sierentz-Mulhouse
07.02.2022/ Mulhouse-Colmar
08.02.2022/ Colmar-Ostheim
09.02.2022/ Ostheim-Sélestat
10.02.2022/ Sélestat-Erstein
11.02.2022/ Erstein-Strasbourg