Youth meet in Cologne to step up Bi Hev Re Serhildan campaign
TCŞ and TEKO-JIN organised a two-day meeting in Cologne that saw the participation of 30 young people from various anti-fascist organisations.
TCŞ and TEKO-JIN organised a two-day meeting in Cologne that saw the participation of 30 young people from various anti-fascist organisations.
Some 30 young people from different anti-fascist youth organizations came together in Cologne at the weekend for the second time on initiative of the revolutionary youth movement TCŞ and the militant young women's movement TEKO-JIN, in order to develop the common anti-fascist youth campaign "Bi Hev Re Serhildan - Together to the uprising" further.
The offensive is an initiative of the Kurdish revolutionary youth movement to unite the struggles of youth for a free life against the patriarchal capitalist system. Recently, like the Long March for Freedom of Abdullah Ocalan, a youth demonstration in Mannheim and many other creative actions under the slogan "Bi hev re Serhildan" against isolation, fascism and occupation took place throughout Europe.
In the two days of the youth meeting the current political situation and in particular the situation of the youth were analyzed and the common work of the offensive of the last months were evaluated. In addition, new educational, media and action plans were made in the framework of the common offensive for the next 3-4 months.
In the discussions it became clear how the neo-liberal politics of the nation states, the current social and economic crisis of global dimensions is deepening more and more. So that today, also in Germany, we are very clearly feeling the effects of the 3rd World War, which currently has its center especially in the Middle East. From Kurdistan and Greece to Latin America and Indonesia, young people are taking to the streets to demand social rights and a system that preserves life instead of capital.
Another point that caused much discussion was the current Corona crisis. While a large part of society can hardly afford health care, the rich are getting richer and richer. At the same time, states are making targeted use of the measures against the pandemic as a means of counterinsurgency and have caused widespread individualization, feelings of powerlessness and robotic behavior in society. All this while people are dying on the European borders and in wars fought with weapons from Europe. Already in the last few days, young people in many European cities have started to revolt against this.
They also pointed out the increasing special attacks against women, the pioneers of social struggles, racist police violence and the massive destruction of natural resources. In addition, the deepened isolation of the revolutionary leader Abdullah Ocalanas, the current fascist striving for great power of the Turkish state and its imperialist supporters and the attacks on Armenia and Kurdistan, as well as the criminalization of the Kurdish freedom movement, among many other topics, were also part of the discussion. In this framework, a greeting message of the Internationalist Commune on the occasion of the World Kobanê Day was also heard.
The work of the last months was evaluated by all participants as good first steps, but not sufficient, and therefore new motivation for the coming lockdown phase was gained.
The offensive opposes the attempts of the capitalist nation-states to put the youth in chains through repression, disciplining or integration with their revolutionary youth spirit. The social search for justice, truth and freedom, which historically has always been specific to youth, could never be suppressed by the ruling class. The offensive opposes state policy, which wants to turn the young generation into a consumerist, authoritarian and robot-like herd, with the perspective of worldwide democratic youth confederalism and internationalist anti-fascism.
What became clear, said the participants, "is that it is time to create a real unity in this struggle and to work towards a real democratic alternative to this inhuman system. It is time to revolt against the system and organize the alternative. It is time for Serhildan."