Latest News
Support for HDP and the Kurdish people from Catalans
HDP Amed MP Feleknas Uca made a 2 day visit to Catalonia and met with several regional and local administrators, political party representatives and the media. -
Around 2,500 HDP members jailed since July 2015
More than 500 members of HDP, targeted by the government after bombings against the military and police forces, are still under custody. -
Demonstration in solidarity with Kurdistan in the Basque Country
More than 30 organizations from all over the Basque Country organized a demonstration in solidarity with the Kurdish freedom struggle in North Kurdistan and Rojava. -
ISIS suicide bomber captured alive near Raqqa
An ISIS suicide bomber has been captured alive by the Wrath of Euphrates Action Room fighters. -
HDP Co-chair Demirtaş: Davutoğlu must be put on trial
HDP Co-chair Demirtaş stated that Davutoğlu must be put on trial because the police officer that killed the Russian Ambassador was hired and Kurdish cities were destroyed when he was the Prime Minister. -
TAK claims responsibility for the recent Istanbul and Kayseri bombings
TAK has claimed responsibility for the recent bombings in Istanbul and Kayseri, and announced the ID details of the three militants that carried out these actions. -
97 villages liberated in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates in 10 days
Wrath of Euphrates Action Room fighters have liberated 97 villages and killed 96 ISIS members. Locals are turning back home in liberated areas. -
Syriac fighters: People of Raqqa beginning to breathe freedom
Syriac Military Council fighters partaking in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates stated that their only goal is to liberate Raqqa and other parts of Syria from ISIS gangs and construct a democratic Syria. -
The secret gang of the Reis
Some emerging photographs show that the Turkish President Erdoğan is creating a new gang of recruits from Central Asia and the Caucasus. -
HDP condemns the murder of Russian ambassador in Ankara
HDP condemned the murder of Russian ambassador and extended their condolences to his family and to the people of Russia. -
10-year prison sentence sought for HDP's Baluken
HDP’s imprisoned Group Deputy Co-chair İdris Baluken was sued with a demand for 10 years in jail. -
Wrath of Euphrates Action Room fighters make further advances
Fighters partaking in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates are making further advances towards the Raqqa city under ISIS occupation for more than two years. -
Assassin that killed Russian ambassador turns out to be riot police
The assassin that killed Russian ambassador to Turkey in Ankara has turned out to be a riot police serving in the capital city. -
Russian ambassador shot in Ankara dies
Russian ambassador to Ankara that got heavily wounded as a result of an assassination attack Monday evening, has died. -
Russian ambassador heavily wounded in armed attack in Ankara
Russian ambassador to Ankara got heavily wounded as a result of an assassination attack Monday evening. -
Fascist group attacks HDP office in İzmir's Menderes district
A fascist mob has attacked the HDP office in Menderes district in the western province of İzmir. -
Turkish state continues assimilation in Jarablus
The Turkish state continues the assimilation policies they launched after they invaded Jarablus. -
Man dies of heart attack during police assault in Mersin
In Mersin's central Akdeniz district, a man died of heart attack as he was battered by policemen for protesting the siege of their neighborhood with armored vehicles every night. -
Construction worker arrested for “PKK propaganda” on social media
A construction worker who was detained in Mersin on the grounds of his social media posts has been jailed for “spreading terrorist organisation propaganda”. -
5 more villages liberated in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates
Wrath of Euphrates Action Room fighters have liberated 5 more villages from ISIS occupation during the last 24 hours as part of the operation to liberate Raqqa city. -
Up to 20-year prison sentence sought for HDP Hakkari MP Zeydan
Up to 20-year prison sentence is sought for jailed HDP MP for Hakkari, Abdullah Zeydan. -
Cansız, Şaylemez and Doğan families protest the non-trial of Ömer Güney
Families of Sakine Cansız, Fidan Doğan and Leyla Şaylemez, who were assassinated in the heart of Paris on 9 January, 2013, protested the French state for the non-trial of the triggerman Ömer Güney who has died without facing prosecution. -
Trustee appointed to Mersin's DBP-held Akdeniz Municipality
Trustee has been appointed to the DBP-held Akdeniz district Municipality in the southern province of Mersin. -
Dozens of civilians freed in the operation to liberate Raqqa
More civilians have been freed during the offensives launched as part of the second stage in the 'Operation Wrath of Euphrates' started on November 5. -
HDP Youth Assembly members attacked by fascists in Eskişehir
Members of HDP Youth Assembly were attacked by a fascist group in Eskişehir.