Bishop of the Cizire and Euphrates Church: Abdullah Öcalan has built a bridge of peace for everyone

Since 14 May, the Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Abdullah Öcalan has been visiting political parties, tribes, opinion leaders and component representatives.

On 14 May 2024, the Syrian Initiative for the Freedom of Abdullah Öcalan started visiting political parties in northern and eastern Syria as part of the "Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and a political solution to the Kurdish question" campaign that was launched globally on 10 October 2023. On 26 May 2024, the Initiative met with Kurdish, Armenian, Syriac, Assyrian and Arab political parties and started talks with parliamentary, church and tribal opinion leaders on 29 May. The initiative has also visited the Armenian Community Assembly in Qamishlo and the Cizîrê Canton Yazidi House in Berzan village, north of Hesekê in recent days.

A delegation consisting of the Initiative Spokesperson Ferzende Munzur and members Nuha Omer and Fuad Cûlî visited Mar Morîs Amsih, Bishop of Cizire and Euphrates Church.

During the visit, the delegation provided information about the international campaign launched by the friends of the Kurdish people worldwide to demand the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.

The Bishop of Cizire and Euphrates Church said that Abdullah Öcalan is the Nelson Mandela of the age and the key to the solution in the Middle East.

Amsîh said, "Leader Abdullah Öcalan endured everything for the freedom and brotherhood of the peoples. We pray for the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan. We hope that he will be released as soon as possible to complete the path he has travelled for freedom and humanity. He instilled love in everyone. He built a bridge of love and peace for everyone."

Amsîh said he hoped that this initiative would spread to churches all over the world: "Because Leader Abdullah Öcalan has opened his heart not only to Kurds but to all peoples. We pray for the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan and for the security and stability of the region."

The visit ended with the Initiative members presenting Abdullah Öcalan's defence and books to Mar Morîs Amsîh.