Death at the hands of the KDP - Part One

Some were killed in a treacherous ambush, some were wounded in hospital, and the fate of some is still unknown. Thousands of people were lost in a betrayal that has continued for more than 30 years...

Families of guerrillas from Rojava, who have been killed by the KDP for more than 30 years, say that the struggle must be widened to bring an end to the KDP's betrayal.

The families told ANF about the endless betrayal and its costs.

Fatma Seydo, the mother of Xosnav, who fell as a martyr in 1995 in the Garê area of ​​South Kurdistan, said that the KDP and its betrayal must now be eliminated and called on Kurdish mothers to struggle.

Adnan Êmo (Xosnav) was born in Afrin/Kaxir in 1976. Hearing the Apoists and their struggle, Xosnav wanted to join this struggle even though he was still young. However, it is not considered due to its being 'underage' and is included in some work in the region.

Xosnav, who could not stand it any longer, joined the Kurdish Freedom Movement in 1993. After working in the region for a while, he turned to the mountains of Kurdistan.

He is sent on his journey with great enthusiasm by his family and relatives. His mother, Fatma Seydo, described those days as follows: “He worked in Aleppo for two years. He said he would go one day. We made him a dress. We organised a celebration. We put henna on his hands and feet. We said goodbye with halay. Our heads are high. He was very organized and disciplined. He was on time. He used to help everyone with everything. It was a breath of fresh air for us.”

We can’t forget the day we got the news

Xosnav fell as a martyr in the 1995 attack by the KDP forces in the Sedare region of Garê.

Fatma Seydo, who said that they could not forget the day the news of martyrdom was received, added: “It was heavily raining that day. The sky was roaring. The day his martyrdom was declared, the Baath regime was at our door. I said to them, 'My three sons served you in the army, let one of them serve the Kurds.' It was the day when unforgettable sadness and pain began for us.” he said.

Fatma Seydo said that she experienced great pain after learning that she was martyred at the hands of the KDP and said: “Adnan was martyred at the hands of the Barzanis. Even at the age of 15, my children were working for them. He says he is our brother; we were showing them respect. This respect turned against us. Why are they so cruel? How can someone who wants Kurdistan actually murder their children and people? They are killing our children; they are drinking our blood”.

Betrayal is not finished

Seydo said: “We must stand up against those who murder our children by collaborating with the enemy. The betrayal is not over. Our children are being murdered today. Yesterday was my son. Today will be another mother's son. Let's take action to end this."