Delegation from Nigeria visits Rojava

A delegation from the Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited the autonomous administration of northern and eastern Syria in Ain Issa.

Representatives of the Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs met in Ain Issa with Abdulkarim Omar and Emel Dada, co-chairs of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the North and East Syrian Autonomous Administration, and Cihan Xidro, chairperson of the Women's Committee.

At the meeting, representatives of the autonomous administration informed their visitors about the system in northern and eastern Syria. Another topic of discussion was the establishment of an international tribunal for ISIS members imprisoned in the region. The Nigerian delegation stated that they would talk with the government officials about the Court and the repatriation of ISIS families.

In addition, delegation members demanded the handover of three Nigerian orphans whose parents died at ISIS.

Emel Dada told ANHA that the meeting went well and that the Nigerian delegation’s demand was being reviewed by the autonomous administration.