Election propaganda decision from the Supreme Election Commission

The Supreme Electoral Commission announced that the propaganda for the local elections started.

The Supreme Election Commission for the Northern and Eastern Region of Syria published decree number 3, which includes the announcements and conditions regarding the propaganda campaign for the municipal elections to be held on 11 June. The Supreme Election Commission announced that the election propaganda process had started.

The statement said: "The Supreme Election Commission announces that propaganda will begin for all independent candidates, political parties and alliances under the following conditions:

Committees affiliated with the Cantonal Commission will determine the areas where the propaganda is carried out.

It is forbidden to make propaganda on public roads, faith centers, buildings, places where public services are carried out and in places where permission is not given by the committees.

Political parties and independent candidates can hang party flags, banners and similar materials in election offices from during the entire election propaganda period.

Political parties and independent candidates can hold closed and open meetings at specified hours and use and hang flags, banners and party flags for election propaganda purposes.

Posters and documents cannot be hung in places other than those specified above. Those who do not comply will be fined 1 million Syrian lira.

Election propaganda will end at 6am, the day before the voting day.

Candidates must remove banners and hanging documents within 15 days from the date of announcement of the election results."