Families of martyrs in Manbij vow to resist attacks, calling for action to stop Turkey’s crimes

“We will be a shield against any attack directed against our honor, land and the legacy of our martyrs,” said the families of martyrs in Manbij in the face of the increasingly ongoing attacks of the Turkish state that claim more lives every day.

The Turkish state and its mercenary army recruited from ISIS and other groups have increased their invasion attacks against residential areas in Northern and Eastern Syria for two days, at a time when the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continues its operations to ensure the security of the people against ISIS mercenaries in Deir ez-Zor.

Families of martyrs in Manbij made a statement about the increasingly ongoing Turkish attacks, which claimed the lives of 4 minors from the same family on September 1, and killed  5 civilians on September 2.

The press statement denounced the policies of displacement and demographic change in the regions of Afrin, Gire Spi (Tal Abyad) and Serekaniye (Ras al-Ain) which have been occupied by the Turkish state forces and allied mercenaries in violation of international law.

Pointing to the Turkish state’s history marked by countless massacres, the group also denounced the Turkish state’s attacks on cemeteries of martyrs in violation of all the moral values and standards of Islam.  

“Where are those claiming to be defending humanity? Where are human rights organizations? Your silence, which you have maintained for so long, makes you an accomplice to these crimes,” said the statement.

Families of martyrs called on international Powers and all people with conscience to take action to stop the invading Turkish state’s inhumane attacks and activities against North-East Syria.

The statement concluded: “As the families of martyrs, we have paid huge prices and we will pay further prices to achieve freedom and to liberate the occupied territories of our country. We will be a shield against any attack directed against our honor, land and the legacy of our martyrs.”