HRE: 5 gang members killed, 11 Turkish soldiers injured

In the retaliation actions carried out by HRE fighters, 5 gang members were killed, 11 Turkish soldiers and 3 gang members were injured.

The following details were included in a statement published by the Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE):

"Our revenge and retaliation actions continue in response to the attacks and policies carried out by the occupying Turkish state and its affiliated gang groups in Northern and Eastern Syria.

In this context:

Our Martyr Avêsta Team unit carried out a sniper operation in Azaz on 19 October. As a result, one occupying gang member was killed.

In a sniper action carried out on the Mare line on 25 October, one occupying gang member was killed.

On 26 October, the occupying gangs tried to attack the Sherawa line. Our forces followed the invaders there and effectively responded to them. The bodies of the gang members who died in the clash remained in the region.

When they wanted to collect their bodies, our forces responded once again. In the clashes, a gang leader named Ehmed Raid Meldeun and two invading gangs were killed, while three gangs were injured. On the same day, the bases of the occupying Turkish state on the Bab, Mare and Sherawa line were targeted again by special operations. 11 Turkish soldiers were injured. As a result of these actions of our forces, five invading gangs were killed, 11 Turkish soldiers and three invading gangs were injured."