More civilians abducted and tortured in Afrin

The invading Turkish army and their allied gangs are abducting and torturing people in Afrin. Some people abducted from Afrin have been taken to Hatay, Kilis and Azaz.

Turkish state and their allied Al Nusra, FSA and ISIS gangs forcibly enter homes to abduct and torture people in Afrin.

According to local sources in Afrin, gangs raid homes in Afrin and abduct and torture people. Some of the abducted people were taken to Azaz, Kilis and Hatay. There are people who haven’t been heard from in two months.

Dozens of people have been abducted by the Turkish state and their allied gangs from Afrin’s Kurzêlê village.

ANF has obtained the names of some people abducted by the Turkish state and their allied gangs:

Mistefa İbiş Eswed, Nuri Ebdo İbo, Mehemed, Yusif Heme Kero, Mehmud Mehmo Eli, Zeki Mehmo Eli, Mistefa Mehmo Eli, Rêzan Mihemmed Ebdo, İbrahim Mihemmed Ebdo, Rengin Mihemmed İbo, Suphi Settaf, Ehmed Yusif Evdirehman, Egid Mistefa, Ebdul Henan, Zeki İbiş, Feyo Şukri, Suphi Nasır, İsmed Cemil Hemo, Rêzan Hesen Nasır, Adil Hemo Kalo, Quşu Mihemmed Şêrawî from the Kurzêlê village.