Psychological support for children who suffered from war

Education, literacy and psychological support are the services provided for children in Ebû Xeşeb Camp.

Elwan Education and Psychological Support Center in Ebû Xeşeb Camp was founded by Bîdaya organization working under the coordination of Deir ez-Zor Civil Assembly.

Education, literacy and psychological support are the services provided for children.

The Center has started to serve children as soon as it was established and so far 378 students have applied to the center.

Each training program lasts 3 months in the center which provides education in 11 classrooms. These training sessions are conducted by teachers and psychologists.

In the center students are divided into four groups according to their level of education, from those who attended no school to those with an advanced level of education. Programs are designed to ensure the psychological and pedagogical development of children. The center also organizes seminars to help parents develop better dialogue with their children.

Abdulcelil Ehmed, head of the Elwan Center for Education and Psychological Support, said that they are trying to offer the best education and pedagogical support for children. “We are striving to make our work better. - Ehmed said - We try to provide support to children so that they learn how to play and express themselves, gaining confidence”.