Turkey deploys thousands of jihadists into occupation zone

Turkey continues with the change of Northern Syria's demographic composition even in times of pandemic. Once again, thousands of jihadists and their relatives were transferred from Jarablus to Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî.

The fact that Turkey does not turn away from its warmongering and authoritarian policies even in times of a pandemic can be observed again in Northern Syria. For days, there has been a deployment of jihadists and their families in the cities of Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain) and Girê Spî (Tal Abyad), which have been occupied since last October. In the last week alone, a convoy of about 600 vehicles of mercenaries of the proxy force "Syrian National Army" (SNA) under the protection of armored vehicles from Jarablus crossed the border to Turkey via Antep in order to be brought back to Northern Syrian territory via the border crossing Akçakale in Urfa province.

Thousands of Islamists and their relatives from Jarablus reached the Turkish occupation zone in northern Syria via the same route yesterday. The long-term demographic change from Rojava, away from a multi-ethnic and multi-religious region, to a Sunni-Muslim dominated region under the control of NATO partner Turkey and its allied Islamists from the so-called SNA, an alliance of jihadist and right-wing extremist groups, some of which, like the Al-Qaida offshoot Ahrar al-Sham, are also internationally recognised as terrorist organisations, is in fact endorsed by Europe. The EU has the means to stop Erdoğan’s war in Syria. Yet it is allowing itself to be blackmailed with the refugee deal.