Turkey trains Iraqi ISIS elements in Syria
The Turkish state is training ISIS elements from Iraq, mostly from Tal Afar, in camps near Azaz and Idlib in Syria.
The Turkish state is training ISIS elements from Iraq, mostly from Tal Afar, in camps near Azaz and Idlib in Syria.
The Turkish state has established military camps in Syria to train ISIS elements, most of whom come from Tal Afar/Mosul. These ISIS members, led by a ringleader named 'Ashraf Antaqi', are being trained to target Kurds.
According to information provided by a private source, the Turkish state is trying to sustain the ISIS elements defeated in Shengal, Maxmur and throughout Iraq.
Dozens of camps have been established near Azaz and Idlib, where ISIS elements are being trained along with Iraqi and Syrian refugees. From these camps, mercenaries are sent to different parts of Syria and Iraq. Most of the approximately 1,200 ISIS fighters trained come from Tal Afar and Mosul.
The source said that the camps in question have been established in the Merme Hajer region near Jarablus and near the borders of Idlib province and have been operating for a few months. Accordingly, the majority of the people trained in these camps called 'Qerekopri' come from Iraq (Mosul, Salahaddin, Shirqat).
The ringleader, Ashraf Antaqi, is also responsible for the training under the supervision of the Turkish state.
The source said that these mercenaries were trained by Turkish commandos and then sent to various regions under Turkish forces.
The targets of these mercenaries are Manbij, Afrin, Kobanê and other occupied areas in North-East Syria.
The camps where the mercenaries are trained are as follows: Babi al-Salam Camp (near Aleppo), 'Berxwedan' Camp (in Mara district near Azaz), Ehmelad (Soran, Azaz region), Abu al-Hetahiya (Azaz), 'Asîqa' Camp, al-Fuqara, Atma (Harim, Idlib), al-Wadîhî Harim, Dana district in Idlib, As-Salam (Idlib), Al-Qarama (Idlib), Nûr Ash-Sham (Idlib), Qah Qah Al-Ferdos (Idlib), Al-Ayadi Al-Bayda, Zahret Al-Xelîç, Xan Al-Shêxûn, Atman (Idlib), Al-Iman Atma (Idlib), Al-Fan Al-Shîmalî, Nehnû Maen, Ferjah, Nehnû Umma, Al-Quneyterat.