Two young men from Rojava tortured to death by Turkish soldiers

It is reported that Turkish soldiers tortured and murdered two young men from Rojava.

Two young men from Rojava were tortured to death near the village of Qermane in Dirbesiye yesterday. The identities of the victims have been determined today; Taha El-Mihemmed from Til Hemîs district of Qamîşlo canton, and Adil Mihemed El-Bedir. Both were born in 2001.

Local people found the dead bodies of two men in the village of Qermane, in the west of Dirbesiyê district, close to the border with Turkey.

The locals took the body of Adil Mihemed El-Bedir to the Şehit Xebat Hospital, while they could not retrieve the body of the other man for a long time since they were targeted by Turkish soldiers.

Today (March 16), local people took the body of Taha El-Mihemmed to a hospital.

It is reported that the two young men were tortured to death with sharp objects 48 hours ago.