Yûsif: Youth should be ready for any challenge

A new war is awaiting the region, said co-chair of the Northern Syrian Democratic Federal Constituent Assembly, Hediye Yûsif.

Afrin Democratic Student Movement held a meeting to evaluate the conditions of the students and the latest developments in the region.

The meeting, held at the Serdem Camp in Shehba, was attended by over one thousand students as well as the co-chair of the Northern Syrian Democratic Federal Constituent Assembly, representatives of the Autonomous Administration, representatives of the Democratic Society Education Committee (KPC-D) and members of Afrin and Shehba Council.

The co-chair of the Northern Syrian Democratic Federal Constituent Assembly, Hediye Yûsif, told students about developments in the region.  “The peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria - said Yûsif - have taken significant steps since the Rojava Revolution and have managed to get the revolution to this delicate phase. A third world war is taking place in the region. This war is between the democratic modernity represented by the peoples and the capitalist modernity represented by the sovereign states. The capitalist states find themselves in a very deep crisis and have turned the Middle East into a battlefield, in the attempt to get rid of these crises.”

Turkey, said Yûsif, “has threatened the peoples of Northern and Eastern Syria following orders from Russia. Indeed, Russia is trying to foment a new crisis in Northern and Eastern Syria by using Turkey to carry out its plans. All this shows that a new war is awaiting the region.”

Yûsif called on young people to strengthen their organization and be ready for all new of challenges.