35 Syrian organizations issue joint statement about "National Dialogue Congress"

35 Syrian political parties and social movements made a joint statement regarding the so-called "National Dialogue Congress" to be held in Damascus.

35 Syrian political parties and social movements made a joint statement regarding the so-called “National Dialogue Congress” to be held in Damascus.

The organizations that signed the statement criticized the unilateral selection of the dialogue participants and the presentation of them as legitimate representatives of the Syrian regions, and drew attention to the fact that this method is no different from the Baath regime’s methods of ignoring and denying.

The statement continued by saying that in order for a true dialogue to develop, representatives of all political, social and civil parties must attend the congress, otherwise the results of the congress will be meaningless, and that there are real representatives of all components and political and military forces in every region of Syria.

The parties and forces that signed the statement are as follows:

1- Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)

2- Democratic Union Party (PYD)

3- Democratic Green Party

4- Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party

5- Kurdistan Liberal Party

6- Kurdistan Communist Party

7- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party (P.D.K.S)

8- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party

9- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Left Party

10- Syrian Kurdish Left Party

11- Future of Syria Party

12- Kurdistan Democratic Change Party

13- Kurdistan Modern Party

14- Kurdistan Workers' Party

15- Arab National Committee

16- Syrian Democracy and Modernity Party

17- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Alliance Party

18- Syrian Reform Party

19- Assyrian Democratic Party

20- Kurdistan Brotherhood Party

21- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Roj Party

22- Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM)

23- Kongra Star

24- Conservative Party

25- Democratic Struggle Party

26- Kurdistan Future Party

27- Rojavayê Kurdistan- Kurdistan Democratic Party

28- Tensiq El Weteniye-Democratic Change Movement

29- Syriac Unity Party

30- Kurdistan National Unity Party

31- Kurdish Democratic Party-Syria (Party)

32- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Unity Party (Yekîtî)

33- Syrian Left Revolutionary Movement

34- Sûraya Party.

35- El Weten El Syria Party”