The first Kurdish Women's Conference was held in North-East Syria on Sunday under the slogan “Kurdish National Unity Is Realized under the Leadership of Kurdish Women”.
The conference was held in Azadî Park in Qamishlo, with the participation of representatives and administrators of political parties, women's organizations, and institutions of the Democratic Autonomous Administration, along with numerous intellectuals, writers, activists, artists, and journalists.
The conference, which brought together 300 delegates, as well as representatives of women’s organizations and institutions from Aleppo and Damascus.
The First Kurdish Women’s Conference in Rojava concluded with the announcement of a final declaration in Kurdish and Arabic, which stated the following:
‘‘The Rojavayê (Western) Kurdistan Kurdish Women’s Conference, held under the slogan 'Kurdish National Unity Is Realized Under the Leadership of Kurdish Women,' took place with the participation of 300 women from across Rojava and all regions of Syria. Among the participants were representatives of Kurdish political parties, women’s councils, institutions of the Autonomous Administration, and women’s civil society organizations, as well as women from political, social, and intellectual circles.
Our conference focused first and foremost on the challenges faced by Kurdish women in the political sphere—particularly the disadvantages imposed by the male-dominated nation-state system and patriarchal hegemony. It also highlighted the role, status, and significance of women, who must take an active part in building a democratic society to ensure freedom, equality, and justice in our regions.
A central topic addressed at our conference was the recently announced draft constitution by the transitional government in Damascus. On this matter, the stance of women is clear: in this constitution, the rights of women are entirely denied, and it paves the way for further oppression of women under Sharia law. In the face of this threat, our conference clearly affirmed that Kurdish women are ready to stand side by side with all Syrian women in the effort to build a democratic and decentralized Syria that promotes peace, stability, and security throughout the country.
Conference participants also drew attention to the tremendous sacrifices made by the Kurdish people—especially Kurdish women—in resisting the war, aggression, and occupations imposed on our regions by the terrorist organization ISIS, the occupying Turkish state, and the Ba'ath regime. They emphasized that our people have made great sacrifices to defend their land, honour, and identity, and have achieved significant victories as a result. In order to preserve these gains, women must now focus even more on regional defense, security, and stability. The conference once again highlighted the leading role of Kurdish women in the success of the Revolution in Western Kurdistan and the strength of women in the development of the democratic system in North and East Syria.
On this basis, participants stressed the necessity of the organized power of women in North and East Syria across all fields—political, social, economic, educational, defense, and beyond—for the establishment of a democratic, ecological, and libertarian system throughout Syria, as well as for the realization of women's freedom. Women will take part in the construction of this system, build their own free organizations, and strengthen unity and solidarity among women. Just as women, through their dedicated efforts, perseverance, and free will, have ensured that their rights are protected and guaranteed in the Social Contract of the Autonomous Administration and have taken a leading role in every sphere of life, construction, and governance, this model also represents the most suitable solution for a new Syria.
The conference also addressed the fundamental principles that women in Rojava must work on during this historic phase of Syria’s reconstruction, and necessary decisions were taken in this regard.
1- The conference calls on all Kurdish forces, organizations, parties, and political figures to urgently convene the Kurdistan National Congress, which represents the shared hope and aspiration of the entire society, especially Kurdish women, in this critical phase in which we are moving closer to freedom.
2- The conference calls on women’s organizations from all four parts of Kurdistan to organize the 3rd National Kurdish Women’s Congress in Western Kurdistan and invites them to convene this congress in Western Kurdistan.
3- The unity of Kurdish political stance regarding the fate of the Kurdish people in Syria is of great and historic importance. Our conference calls on all relevant Kurdish political forces to ensure the leading and active participation of Kurdish women in a National Congress that will be held with the involvement of all Kurdish forces in Syria.
4- Our conference rejects the transitional constitution declared by Damascus and calls on the transitional government to act in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which reflects the general demands of society and women.
5- The establishment of a democratic, pluralistic, and decentralized Syria is not only the primary goal of all Syrians, but also essential for guaranteeing women's rights. Our conference emphasizes that the Democratic Autonomous Administration project is the most appropriate model for solving all problems and crises in Syria.
6- Our conference underscores that women’s participation in all dialogue processes related to the establishment of a democratic Syria must not be less than 50 percent.
7- Our conference stresses that the provisions on women's rights outlined in the Social Contract of North and East Syria must form the basis for the new Syrian constitution as well.
8- We will work in solidarity with women from all segments of Syrian society, develop democratic alliances, and protect women’s rights by securing them in the new Syrian constitution.
9- The conference affirms that legitimate self-defense is both a duty and a fundamental right for all women.
10- All Kurdish women, through their organizations, must play a leading role in the struggle against all forms of violence and femicide in Syria. They must provide the necessary support and assistance to women who are victims of violence and share the experiences of women in North and East Syria with women across all regions of Syria.
11- The conference emphasizes the necessity of a comprehensive approach to ensure the continued education and development of women in all fields, including politics, economy, and governance.
12- The conference calls for concrete efforts and actions to ensure the safe and voluntary return of all refugees from Afrin, Girê Spî, Serêkaniyê, Shehba, and other regions to their homes. It also stresses that fair compensation must be provided to all those who have suffered due to occupation and human rights violations.
The decisions made at our conference serve as a roadmap for raising the level of women’s struggle, strengthening women’s roles in all spheres, uniting their efforts and labor, and establishing a common political stance for all Syrian Kurds. These decisions also aim to pave the way for the realization of democracy and social justice.
As the collective force of women in this conference, we affirm our commitment to continue our efforts—both within and beyond Kurdistan—by strengthening women’s solidarity until the national unity of the Kurdish people is achieved in Rojava and throughout Kurdistan. We will support all initiatives and efforts aimed at building a democratic and decentralized Syria that guarantees the rights of women and all components of society. With this determination and conviction, we send our greetings to all the resilient and hardworking women of Rojava, Kurdistan, and the world. We emphasize that women’s organization and unity are fundamental instruments for achieving freedom and democracy.’’