Exhibition of children opens in Shehba

The exhibition called "Return to Afrin" has opened in Til Susin in Shehba.

The Democratic Society Education Committee (KPC-D) opened an exhibition with the paintings of children from Afrin.

The exhibition called "Return to Afrin" has opened in Til Susin in Shehba. In the exhibition, 110 paintings by 15 children of Afrin are exhibited with the support of their teachers.

Children began to paint their dreams, the attacks of the occupying Turkish state and their mercenaries against the civilian population and the culture of the people of Afrin.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was joined by the children in the company of their parents.

Speaking after the opening, student Renim Biko said the exhibition is proof that the Kurdish culture will not be destroyed and that nobody can destroy the Kurdish culture, especially the Turkish state.