"Freedom for Leader Apo, Status for Kurdistan" concert in Nantes

TEV-ÇAND held the "Freedom for Leader Apo, Status for Kurdistan" concert in Nantes with the participation of thousands of people.

The "Freedom for Leader Apo, Status for Kurdistan" concert was held in Nantes. Thousands of people attended the concert organized by the French Democratic Culture and Arts Movement (France TEV-ÇAND) together with the Nantes Democratic Kurdish Community Center.

DEM Party Şirnak MP Newroz Uysal made a speech at the concert, where artists Cihan Çelik, Zînê Botan, Hip-Hop artist Şerîf Omerî and local artists took the stage.

Describing the Imrali torture system and Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's resistance against this torture system for 25 years, Newroz Uysal said that the most important dimension of the resistance is Abdullah Öcalan's paradigm, that the attacks were foiled with this paradigm, and that this paradigm gives hope to oppressed people all over the world today.

Touching on the recent local elections in Bakurê Kurdistan and Turkey and the post-election attacks by the government, Newroz Uysal said that the unlawfulness experienced in both Abdullah Öcalan and the Kobanê Case summarized the regime's view of the Kurdish people.

Stating that the Kurdish people are closer to victory than ever before, Newroz Uysal called for the struggle for freedom in the person of Abdullah Öcalan to be further escalated.