"Women, Migration, Art and Empowerment", a collective exhibition about the challenges of migration

"Women, Migration, Art and Empowerment" is a collective exhibition depicting the challenges faced by women in migration, at the Lola cultural center in Hamburg. The exhibition will be open until 18 July.

"Women, Migration, Art and Empowerment" is a collective exhibition currently on display at the LOLA cultural center in the east of Hamburg. With more than 30 pictures, the exhibition sensitively depicts the challenges faced by women in migration.

The activist and curator of the exhibition, Juli B., is a member of the women's movement "Wild and Real in Bergedorf" and founded the creative platform penresistance.org for artists in exile.

"The platform gives voice and is a right for freedom. We like to give opportunities to those who live suppressed and can not show their voice through exhibitions and lectures. All pictures may be purchased by contacting the artists directly or over the website’s mail address given. Let's give artists a chance to create their own way of showing what they think is right, to have financial perspectives and to show ways of being more independent."

The Lola Cultural Center said on its website that "the works on display represent a wide range of styles, techniques and themes that reflect the rich artistic tradition of Afghanistan, Iran and other migrant women. The works of the artists Roya Akbari, Asli Filiz, Abdul Wasi Habibi, Sally Rahen, Termeh are on display. The works testify to a deep connection with their homeland and address questions of identity and the desire to support women in their homeland."

The artists' works are intended to encourage visitors to become part of a larger community that advocates for the rights and support of women in need and artists in exile. To this end, prints of the artworks can be purchased as part of the exhibition. 100 percent of the money goes to the artists.

One of the artists whose works can be seen at the exhibition is Asli Filiz. She was born in Karlıova (Kanîreş) in the province of Bingöl (Çewlîg) and has lived in Germany since 2015. She studied graphic design at Beykent University in Istanbul. She later completed her training at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts (HFBK Hamburg) and worked as a graphic designer and art director in advertising agencies.

The exhibition can be visited until Thursday, 18 July, at the LOLA cultural center, Lohbrügger Landstraße 8, 21031 Hamburg.