Kurdish Freedom and Democracy Alliance calls on people to vote for a change and democracy

The Kurdish Freedom and Democracy Alliance said that they would support the main opposition’s presidential candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in the May 28 election.

The Kurdish Freedom and Democracy Alliance, which includes the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), the Kurdistan Communist Party (KKP), the Human and Freedom Party (PIA), the Kurdistan Socialist Party (PSK), the Revolutionary Democratic Kurdish Association (DDKD) and the Azadi Party, released a written statement concerning the second round of the presidential election to be held on May 28.

The statement on Wednesday said: “The policy of denial, assimilation and violence against our people continues increasingly. Policies for the protection of the current status quo are being promoted again due to the Kurdish phobia. The government has no permanent solution proposal for the Kurdish question and Turkey's basic problems. As usual, we witnessed an unfair election process in the first round. We saw an antidemocratic election period during which all the resources of the state were put at the service of the campaign of the ruling bloc. Despite all the manipulation and illegal methods, the People's Alliance lost the support of the voters in the May 14 election and the current president was not elected in the first round.”


The statement pointed out that the rights of the Kurds were sacrificed on the altar of "security" issues and "survival" of the state. It continued: “During the first round of elections, the candidate and the components of the People's Alliance pivoted around the historical Kurdish hostility in their election campaign, and tried to polarize the society and politics. The polarizing election campaign based on the fear concerning the Kurdish question, which is Turkey's main issue, is unfortunately maintained on the eve of the second round. We condemn this discriminatory hateful campaign against our people.”


The alliance further stated: “We would like to emphasize a truth once again: a democratic regime and a normalization of social relations are not possible without resolving the Kurdish question. The precondition for Ankara's democratization is the liberation of Amed (Diyarbakir). A democratic and peaceful politics would ensure this. Therefore, we will continue to maintain the sense of democratic struggle and defend the interests of our people against all oppression and campaigns seeking to discredit and ignore us. Our people deserve to live in peace, equality, freedom and prosperity. We are making efforts to achieve it. One of the most important steps to achieve it is to put an end to the current arbitrary and bizarre presidential system.

As the Kurdish Freedom and Democracy Alliance, we believe in the power of democratic politics and insist on our desire to live under free and democratic conditions. We declare that we will support Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu for the creation of a political ground where the Kurdish people will enjoy their rights, where all problems will be discussed freely, and for the normalization of the political process. The second round of the presidential election is a historic opportunity that may put an end to the oppressive and marginalizing one-man regime. We urge our people to take a stand in favour of democracy and change in this historic election.”


The statement continued: “In order to win and succeed, we call on our people, especially all Kurdish youth, women and men, to go to the polls and to watch over the ballot boxes. Going to the polls offers an important opportunity for our people to solve their problems. Let's go to the polls for a peaceful and democratic solution to the Kurdish question, to prevent the appointment of trustees to Kurdish municipalities, to put an end to poverty, to oppose war and policies of violence, to offer women an equal and free life and a secure future for youth. Let’s vote in favour of change and democracy. Protecting the ballot boxes is protecting our future.”