Journalist Ehmed to appear in court tomorrow

Journalist Silêman Ehmed, who was kidnapped by the KDP and held prisoner for 249 days, will appear in court for the first time tomorrow.

Silêman Ehmed, an Arabic editor for the local news website RojNews, who was detained by KDP forces on 25 October 2023, has been held captive in KDP prisons for 249 days, will appear in court for the first time tomorrow.

Ehmed was arrested on 25 October while entering Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region from Syria, where he had been visiting his family.

The Security Directorate (Asayish), which is responsible for border security in Duhok Governorate, accused the journalist of "endangering national security", which is Article 1 of Law No. 21 enacted by the Kurdistan Region Parliament in 2003, and that the prosecutor continued to detain him for this reason.

Ehmed's lawyer said that not a single piece of evidence had been produced regarding this alleged crime for 7 months.

Numerous actions were organized in Kurdistan and around the world to protest this illegal detention. Thousands of journalists and institutions asked about the fate of the journalist and, as a result of the intense pressure, the KDP had to say to the lawyers where he was detained and arranged a visit on 22 May 2024.