Tevgera Azadi: Turkish state is advancing deeper into Kurdistan Region in cooperation with the KDP

Tevgera Azadi said, "The KDP has embarked on a very dangerous partnership. The Turkish state is advancing deeper and deeper into the territory of the Kurdistan Region in co-operation with the KDP.”

The Kurdistan Freedom Movement (Tevgera Azadi ya Civaka Kurdistanê) based in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) held a press conference at its headquarters in Sulaymaniyah on the current situation in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

The declaration announced at the meeting was read by Selam Abdullah, co-chair of Tevgera Azadi, who said the following:

"The Kurdistan Region is in a constitutional and legal vacuum due to the KDP's tyrannical policy. As a defacto political hegemony, the KDP continues its uncontrolled domination over the institutions. The KDP is the biggest obstacle to elections and change. It aims to prolong its life by selling the gains of the people and making concessions. It co-operates with the greatest enemy of the Kurdish people. The KDP has embarked on a very dangerous partnership. The Turkish state is advancing deeper and deeper into the territory of the Kurdistan Region in co-operation with the KDP.

Tevgera Azadi will be a strategic alternative to both systems of government from now on. However, in order to turn this historic process to the benefit of our people and to preserve the status of the Kurdistan Region in Kurdistan, we will use every opportunity to build a basis for dialogue, democracy and the solution of problems. We will help to hold free elections, to represent the people of the Kurdistan Region and to solve the issues of Article 140, salaries and income within the framework of the federal government and the constitution."