Action in Ulm to demand justice for the disappeared people

ICAD representatives called on all progressive humanity to stand beside the families of the disappeared people demanding truth and justice.

A sit-in was held in Ulm, Germany, organised by the German Federation of Migrant Workers (AGIF) and ICAD (International Coalition against Enforced Disappearances) to mark the International Week of Struggle against disappearance in custody.

Activists in Neuen Brunnen Square demanded the truth about the fate of the disappeared to be exposed and those responsible for these crimes to be prosecuted.

Photos of the disappeared from many countries of the world were displayed by activists who also opened a banner writing the number of disappeared people in several countries.

Speaking on behalf of ICAD, activists underlined the struggles of the Plaza de Mayo Mothers in Argentina, as well as the 25 years of struggle of the Saturday Mothers in Turkey.

The ICAD representatives called on all progressive humanity to stand beside the families of the disappeared people demanding truth and justice.

The action was held in compliance with the rules dictated by the coronavirus outbreak.