Ill political prisoner dies after being sent to hospital

Seriously ill political prisoner Yıldırım Han has died in a hospital in Ankara.

Another seriously ill political prisoner has died in Turkey. Political prisoner Yıldırım Han, who was held in the T-type prison in Şırnak, died in Ankara after being taken there for treatment two weeks ago. His body is expected in Hakkari today.

Previous warning: “We are in severe isolation”

The political prisoner had already complained about the prison conditions and rights violations in the prison in Şırnak earlier this month. He said at the time that the food was bad and continued: “We are not getting hot water. The guards are arbitrarily imposing disciplinary punishments on us. We are in severe isolation and we want this to end!” Another prisoner reported harassment on the way to the infirmary, including shoe searches. "In the infirmary, they forced me to take off my shoes so they could look inside. I refused, received a disciplinary punishment and was not taken to the hospital," he said.

Ill prisoners are left to die

Hundreds of other political prisoners are in danger of death and are not released despite being unfit for detention due to politically motivated reports from the Institute of Forensic Medicine. A few days ago, Dilek Sönmez Demir, co-chair of the Solidarity Association of Relatives of Prisoners in the Marmara Region (MATUHAYDER), said: "The government wants to paralyze the Kurdish people by making an example of the political prisoners. It is as if it were saying that Kurds have no right to life."