Şaho Zerdeşt: Young people should fulfill their national duty

Sine University student Şaho Zerdeşt, who has just joined guerrilla ranks, said that the uprising of the Kurdish people has entered a new phase, and that the Kurdish youth should take up arms and fulfil their national duty in the free mountains.

On October 26, 40 days after the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini, the protests in East Kurdistan entered a new phase. The protests became more violent due to the threats and increasingly brutal crackdown of the regime. Students became the leading force of the protests in East Kurdistan and Iran. In Sine (Sanandaj), Mahabad, Seqiz (Saqqez), Mariwan, Tehran and many other cities, students are still leading the protests.

A group of young women and students studying at Sine University in East Kurdistan made their way to the mountains of free Kurdistan to resist and fight against all kinds of oppression. Ten students from Sine University have recently joined the guerrilla ranks to take revenge for the martyrs and embrace the people's leader.

Speaking to Nuçeciwan, Şaho Zardeşt, one of the young students, said that their participation was a response to the Youth Movement’s call for mobilization.


“The women's revolution is on its 47th day. This revolution started in Sine and Seqiz under the leadership of women. It has gradually spread from cities to villages. This resistance has emerged out of the desire to claim the honour of the people. In the very beginning, the Iranian regime forces intervened in the protests very harshly. Yet, people flocked to the streets to claim their dignity. From the very beginning, women, the youth and society as a whole have taken part in the women's revolution. This revolution is a women's revolution,” Zerdeşt said.

“Protestors frequently chanted the iconic slogan "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" (Woman, Life, Freedom) in the streets of Sine, Mariwan, Seqiz, Bane and Bokan. The protests have not remained restricted to East Kurdistan but spread to Iran and the whole world. This revolution, which has started under the leadership of women, will mark a new phase in world history,” the young man added.

“The historic resistance that started in Sine has gradually spread from Firdewsi Street to Iqbal Square in other parts of the city. It continued to take place in the streets of Sharif Awa, Haci Awa, Meydana Naboat and in all neighbourhoods of Sine. The protestors defended themselves against the attacks of the Iranian regime forces,” Zerdeşt concluded.