People of Shengal remember victims of the ISIS genocide

A memorial march was held in Shengal for Yazidis killed in the ISIS attack against Shengal.

Thousands of women and children were killed in the August 3, 2014 ISIS attacks against Shengal. Thousands more were enslaved by the gangs.

A march was held in Shengal today on the 5th anniversary of the massacre. A large crowd attended the march that started from the Rojhilat neighborhood to continue to Dewra Yermoke.

March participants held photographs of Yazidis who were killed in the massacre or lost their lives on the roads.

A photography exhibition was opened in Dewra Yermoke.

Hizam Abdullah gave a speech in the memorial service and said, “Today is a dark day for the Yazidi people. On August 3, ISIS gangs attacked Shengal and attempted to destroy the Yazidis. We haven’t forgotten the massacre in Shengal. We sent information on the massacre to international bodies to let the world know.”

Yazidi cleric Faxir Xelef offered condolences to the families of the victims.