Batman salutes Rojava resistance
Batman salutes Rojava resistance
Batman salutes Rojava resistance
More than ten thousand people joined the mass demo Democratic Free Women's Movement (DÖKH) organized in Batman in solidarity with Rojava.
The demo under the slogan “Rojava resistance is our resistance” took place at Koçerler Boulevard which was covered with the flags of PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) and YPG (People's Defense Units) as well as with posters of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan.
People joining the demo, including those coming from surrounding provinces and districts, were dressed in traditional clothes.
Speaking here, BDP Batman deputy Ayla Akat Ata said that Kurdish women are taking to the streets in mass to display their solidarity with Rojava and to say that they will never remain silent on the massacres Kurdish people in Rojava and all parts of Kurdistan are suffering from.
Ata remarked that Kurdish people must mobilize and enhance their struggle everywhere to push the AKP government to take steps for the accomplishment of the ongoing historic process in search of a solution to the Kurdish question.
"The liberation of the Kurdish people means the liberation of the Middle East. Everyone should know that the Kurdish people will no more allow the denial of their existence", Ata underlined.
Following the speeches in the meeting area, demonstrators marched to the İkiztepe (Gilbereşk) Cemetery to visit the graves of Kurdish guerrillas buried here.