BDP seeking answer from PM on mass graves

BDP seeking answer from PM on mass graves

Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Şırnak deputy Hasip Kaplan tabled a parliamentary question in relation to the mass graves recently discovered in an area between Şırnak's Beytüşşebap and Van's Çatak district. Kaplan also asked the number of mass graves discovered across the country.

Kaplan tabled the written question after the discovery of some 40 human skulls in a mass grave located between Çatak and Sigurpaşa village of Beytüşşebap during road constructions going on in the area.

BDP deputy also called attention to the statements of some non-governmental organizations which claimed that the road construction in the area continued after the location of the mass grave.

Kaplan asked the following questions for which he asked Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's answer;

Is it true that human bones have been discovered during road constructions in an area between Sigurpaşa village, of Şırnak's Beytüşşebap district, and Van's Çatak district?

Has any investigation been opened into these allegations?

If it is true that human bones have been found in the mentioned area, has any action been taken for the opening of the mass grave and determination of those buried in it?

Does it not constitute a crime to keep the road construction going after the discovery of the mass grave and to cover the area with road? Has any legal action been taken against those responsible for this?

Have the road construction works in the area been stopped?

How many mass graves have been located in the province of Şırnak so far?

What is the number of mass graves located across the country? What actions have been taken in this respect?