After 45 days of treatment, Fesih Cinaklı lost his life yesterday due to his injuries caused by contra groups who had attacked HDP supporters after the murder of Yeni İHYA-DER President Aytaç Baran in Amed on June 9.
Fesih Cinaklı (30) had been shot in the back of his head by contra groups who had attacked HDP supporters after the murder of Yeni İHYA-DER President Aytaç Baran in Amed on June 9. Canıklı lost his life in Dicle University Medical Faculty Hospital where had had been treated for the past 45 days.
Three HDP supporters were murdered and 8 people were injured, two of whom heavily, in contra attacks in June. Cinaklı was shot at the back of his head in front of Saray Kapı Bakery in Amed’s Sur district on the night of June 9, and taken to Dicle University Medical Faculty Hospital to be operated. Cinaklı had been in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit for the past 45 days, and lost his life yesterday.