Clashes in Cindires

Clashes in Cindires

Militants of the al-Qaeda affiliated ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) launched an attack targeting YPG (People's Defense Units) position on a hill late on Thursday evening.

Clashes broke out in the area - located between Efrin's Cindires and İdlib's Atma district in West Kurdistan - as YPG (People's Defense Units) fighters responded to the attack, and lasted till late midnight.

Al-Qaeda linked gang groups have been launching attacks against YPG positions since they took control of the Azzaz city from Free Syrian Army (FSA) on 2 October. At least four ISIS members were killed in an attack targeting YPG control point in Kastel Cindo on the same day.

ISIS had launched another heavy weapon attack targeting the same YPG area on 24 September.

According to YPG sources, over 100 ISIS members were killed between 24 September and 1 October, included ISIS General Commander Ömer El Şişani and ISIS emir (leader) Abdulkerim El İmarati.