Drafting Committee of Kurdish National Congress: "Government should start the second phase"

Drafting Committee of Kurdish National Congress: "Government should start the second phase"

The Drafting Committee of the Kurdish National Congress has released a message to mark the World Peace Day, September 1.

The Committee called on the AKP government to start the second phase of the negotiation process and to improve the conditions of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan, underlining that the achievement of a permanent democratic solution and peace could only be possible with an agreement on a project of solution and peace.

“The democratic solution of the Kurdish question will pave the way for the democratization of not only Kurds but also of the peoples and powers in the Middle East region, and ensure the construction of a lasting peace”, the committee said and underlined that the solution will be established by the Kurdish people and their struggle.

The drafting committee said the first phase has been completed in the democratic resolution process Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan initiated on 21 March, and called on the AKP government to meet the requirements of the second phase.

“Considering the fact that the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) has done its part in the first phase, by ensuring a non-conflict environment and the withdrawal of guerrillas across Turkish borders, it is the wish and expectation of all sides that the process should be moved forward to a new stage”, the committee said.

The drafting committee also condemned the increasing attacks against Tojava and announced solidarity with the people of Rojava.

The committee ended its message with a wish for peace in Kurdistan and the Middle East.