Facebook censorship against Kurds continues

Facebook censorship against Kurds continues

According to Turkish paper Radikal, the social network Facebook has closed the accounts of Kurdish parties and personalities, as well as of opponents, "as part of an agreement with the Turkish authorities".

Among the pages which have been closed during the month of July are the account of the main Kurdish party, the BDP, as well as those of its members: deputies Hasip Kaplan, Sırrı Süreyya Önder and Ayla Akat Ata, DTK co-chair Ahmet Türk, Diyarbakir Mayor Osman Baydemir and deputy Leyla Zana the Sakharov Prize.

The Turkish Minister of Communication Binali Yildirim had said in late June that "Facebook has a long harmonious collaboration" with the authorities. An approach that has not been shared by Twitter. According to the Minister, Twitter refused to cooperate.

The social network Facebook has denied sharing information about its users, in the strife of Gezi Park protest, from late May 2013. But the facts are there.

According to the reporter of the daily Radikal, Ezgi Basaran, control authorities on social networks is becoming more visible, especially in recent days. For the journalist, Twitter still face strong pressure from the Turkish authorities.

The British newspaper The Guardian has recently published papers on the spy programs put in place by the American services. According to these documents, the National Security Agency (NSA) and the FBI can easily access the systems of nine of the largest Internet companies in the world: Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Skype, YouTube, AOL, PalTalk ...It was former CIA analyst Edward Snowden who disclosed information about this global espionage.