Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) held a meeting on July 27 in Brussels against the Turkish state invasion of Southern Kurdistan. Party and organization representatives, intellectuals and activists from all four parts of Kurdistan came together to determine a national stance.
KNK issued a 9-point final declaration after the meeting, the full text of which is as follows;
“Kurdish people!
The peoples of Kurdistan!
Our enemies have ripped Kurdistan in four pieces. Kurdistan was torn in two, first with the Qasr-e Shirin treaty, and later in four with the Lausanne. These treaties tore apart not just the Kurdish people, but Assyrians, Syriacs, Chaldeans and other peoples of the region. But the peoples of Kurdistan never accepted these treaties, and never considered them legitimate. Insurgencies and struggles continued in four parts of Kurdistan against them.
Kurds didn’t bow down to the enemy. Our country saw new developments in the last 30 years. In 1991 Southern Kurdistan established an autonomous administration, and Rojava joined recently. We know that Iran and Turkey never accepted these developments, and have been seeking ways to harm them. They wanted to tear them down, or to invade and impose political, military and financial blockades.
To that end, Iran attacks the movement, sometimes openly and sometimes in silence. They have bombed camps and party bases several times, martyring dozens of people. Recently Iran attacked Southern Kurdistan again. The invading Turkish state tortures the people of Bakur (North Kurdistan) on one hand and seeks to expand the invasion in Rojava and Bashur (South Kurdistan)on the other. The Turkish state has increased the operations since 1990s, and settled military forces in many areas from Behdinan to Mosul.
With this military force, they gather intelligence against the HPG, conduct attacks and settle in their spies and soldiers in the South. The Turkish state’s invasion of the South isn’t just military. They are also developing a cultural and economic invasion. After the 2017 referendum, Turkey and Iran played a prominent role in Kirkuk and the invasion of Kurdistan. Now the two states aim to change the demographic makeup of Kirkuk and the rest of Kurdistan.
After autonomy was established in Rojava, the Turkish state launched their attacks and started planning an invasion. They invaded Azaz, Jarablus and towns up to Afrin. Now they have bigger plans and are looking at Kobane, Cizire and Gire Spi. The Turkish state continues to actively invade. They continue to commit crimes against humanity in Afrin under occupation. They are changing Afrin’s demographic makeup, and pillaging the natural resources. They are not content with military invasions and intelligence. They want to invade all of the wide and strategic swathes of land, so they start their invasion of Bashur from Bradost, an important and strategic piece of land.
Iran also supports the Turkish state in this invasion operation. Although they do not participate openly, they are clearly not fazed. Such cooperation has occurred frequently in history. Against these happenings the Kurdish people must be aware, and void the enemy’s tricks and intrigue. The Iraqi government is also silent on the invasion, even collaborating with Turkey behind the scenes. This collaboration has continued since the Kurdistan referendum.
Despite all that happened, the Southern government and political powers are silent and refrain from taking a stand against invasion attacks. The Southern government, political parties, NGOs and the people of the South should object to this invasion. The Southern government and other powers should heed the demands of the people and take a stand against the invasion. Turkey is developing this strategy and policy and expanding the invasion.
The Turkish state says they are conducting operations against the PKK to legitimize their invasion. This is complete manipulation, a full reversal of the truth. The Turkish state’s 2023 project is to expand the country’s borders in line with the Misak-i Milli (“National Pact”), which includes the Mosul province and Northern Syria. Their goal is to invade the region and destroy Kurdish gains. For all these reasons, we must unite against the enemy and keep Kurdistan and the peoples of Kurdistan away from danger. Our demands from the peoples of Kurdistan, political parties, NGOs, the Rojava autonomous administration and in particular the Southern Kurdistan government are:
1. We condemn the Turkish and Iranian state and call to increase the resistance.
2. The Turkish state’s invasion operation continues in Bradost. They want to destroy the gains in Southern Kurdistan to hinder the possibility of Bakur and Rojhilat (East Kurdistan) Kurdistan’s freedom. Against the Turkish state invasion, all Kurdistan forces should unite as one voice and stand against this injustice.
3. Turkish state continues with the airstrikes against the area from Zaxo to Qandil. The strikes harm all living areas and people in this region. Many villages have been evacuated and plundered. Turkish soldiers were settled in the villages. That means the invasion will be permanent. All people of Kurdistan should actively express their objection to this invasion.
4. The presence of guerrillas and peshmergas in these areas is a historic reality and it is legitimate. The forces fighting for the cause of Kurdistan’s freedom in the South, North and East (of Kurdistan) have set up their military camps against the enemy invasion. This is their national right.
5. The Turkish state must be convicted for the invasion in Southern Kurdistan and the invasions of Afrin, Azaz, Bab and Jarablus. They must end these attacks at once and withdraw from the occupied areas.
6. The Iranian state’s attacks must not be forgotten. This stance must include Iran’s attacks and invasion too. Iran must, without conditions, end attacks against the region at once. The best path for Iran, under an international blockade, is to start a dialogue with Kurdistan forces and resolve issues peacefully.
7. We would like to point to the Iraqi government in the case of the Turkish invasion. The Turkish state is violating the Iraqi constitution, and spreading their invasion to a wide area. The Iraqi government must use its legal rights and take precautions against the Turkish state invasion.
8. As participants of this meeting, we are calling on the KCK, KDP, PUK and all Kurdistan forces to take caution against these attacks and invasions. They must come together at once to take a joint stance against the invasion.
9. Democratic forces, states and international organizations should protest and speak up against the Turkish state invasion.”