Due to the upcoming anniversary of the death of Zerdeşt Şengalî, one of the commanders of the Shengal Defense Forces, killed by a Turkish airstrike on 15 January 2021, the Shengal autonomous government is preparing commemorations.
A statue of Şengalî is to be unveiled. However, Iraqi security forces tried to stop the transport of the statue to the region. As a result, the Yazidi population gathered at the checkpoint of the Iraqi security forces and protested against the decision. Due to the determined protest of the population, the transport was finally cleared.
On 15 January 2020, commander Zerdeşt Şengalî and fighters Hemîd Şengalî, Êzdîn Şengalî and Şervan Cîlo belonging to the resistance units in Shengal (Yekîneyên Berxwedana Şengalê, YBŞ) died in a Turkish air strike on the village of Digure. The drone attack a year ago was a targeted one on Zerdeşt Şengalî who was one of the leaders in the defense of Shengal against Islamic State in August 2014.