ISIS distributes ID cards in İzmir

ISIS gangs made propaganda by distributing ID cards belonging to Prophet Mohammed in different parts of İzmir. İ-DAYDER president Ferzande Deniz objected to ISIS propaganda in İzmir and said that ISIS did not belong to Islam or the Qoran.

ISIS gangs made propaganda by distributing ID cards belonging to Prophet Mohammed in different parts of İzmir. İ-DAYDER president Ferzande Deniz objected to ISIS propaganda in İzmir and said that ISIS did not belong to Islam or the Qoran.

Gangs describing themselves as ‘the servants of the Islamic state’ distributed ID cards belonging to Prophet Mohammed in different parts of İzmir. Gangs made propaganda during the distribution of ISIS ID cards, claimed that ISIS would soon rule the world, and said that everyone should work for ISIS. Gangs propagated that every Muslim should support the jihad in Syria and join ISIS in order to fight for the caliphate. Gangs argued that ISIS was the path of the prophet and every Muslim should live in the Islamic state.

The distributed ISIS ID cards have information on Prophet Mohammed’s ID number, face, eye and hair color, height, chlidrens, wives, uncles, origin and birthdate.

İzmir Religious Functionaries Solidarity Association (İ-DAYDER) president Ferzande Deniz emphasized that groups that describe themselves as the mujahideen of the Islamic state could never be following the path of Prophet Mohammed, and following this path would require practicing the Prophet’s life as it is explained in the Qoran.

Deniz noted that ISIS was carrying out barbaric acts in the name of Islam, and selling women from Shengal and other parts of Kurdistan in slave markets. Deniz emphasized that no divine religion or book could accept such acts, which do not have any place in Islam. Deniz described ISIS actions as the acts of polytheists in Maqqa during Prophet Mohammed’s time, and described the gangs as inhuman.


Deniz described ISIS gangs’ distribution of ID cards as hypocrisy and said that this propaganda showed how egotistical and un-Islamic these gangs were. Deniz pointed out that Prophet Mohammed never had a spiritual ID, and Qoran was his only identity. Deniz emphasized that ISIS activities were nothing but betrayal, when compared to the cause and life of Prophet Mohammed. Deniz ended his statement by saying that the distribution of these cards proved how deviant the gangs were.
