KCDK-E celebrates Yazidis on Ezî feast

On the occasion of the Yazidi Ezî feast, the Kurdish European umbrella organization KCDK-E calls on all Yazidi institutions, religious leaders and influential personalities to take responsibility for the status and reconstruction of Shengal.

The co-chair of the largest Kurdish umbrella organization in Europe, KCDK-E, has published a declaration to mark the Yazidi Cejna Ezî (Ezî feast). On the occasion of the important Yazidi festival, the association writes:

“The Yadizi is the oldest and most original belief in the region. It has experienced exile and massacre throughout its history. The threat to the national, religious and cultural existence of the Yazidi Kurds continues. The AKP-MHP fascism continues its massacres in this holy month of the Yazidi people.

Like other parts of Kurdistan, Shengal is threatened by massacres and is being attacked by the racist Turkish state and IS leader Erdoğan. The despicable murder of Merwan Bedel, the co-chair of the Shengal Self-Government, and the bombing of the Shengal Council building are enough to show how serious the situation is. We can prevent the new massacres of the Yazidi people, who have already suffered so much, if we ensure that the status of Ezidxan [land of the Yazidis] is recognized and that self-government is established in their own religious, cultural and national unity and organization will.

On the occasion of this festival, all Yazidi institutions, religious leaders and personalities should take responsibility for unity and organization. They must guarantee the unity of the Yazidi people and stand up for the resistance of Shengal in order to guarantee the status and development of the region.

As KCDK-E we congratulate the Yazidi people on Cejna Ezî. We hope that this festival will bring peace, status and freedom to the Yazidi people and all people in Kurdistan. "

Cejna Ezî

Every year Cejna Ezî takes place on the first Friday on or after the 14th of December. Before this festival, the Yazidis fast for three days, where nothing is eaten from sunrise to sunset. The Cejna Ezî feast is celebrated in honor of God and the three days of fasting before are also associated with the ever shorter days before the winter solstice, when the sun is less and less visible. With the Cejna Ezî festival, the fasting time ended. The festival is often celebrated with music, food, drinks and dance.