Kurds in solidarity action with Italy today at 6 pm
Today at 6 pm the KCDK-E will organise a solidarity action with the people of Italy.
Today at 6 pm the KCDK-E will organise a solidarity action with the people of Italy.
Today at 6 pm the KCDK-E will organise a solidarity action with the people of Italy.
"The people of Kurdistan around the world - said the statement - will go out on the balconies to express their solidarity with the Italian people in their homes through strong applauding and our Kurdish artists and our people will sing Kurdish and Italian songs for the people of Italy."
In a statement the KCDK-E said: "We believe that the people of Italy will overcome this difficult situation with the solidarity of all people. As KCDK-E, we state that we are with the people of Italy with Kurdish people."
The statement added: "Everyone should write the following slogans in handwriting on the windows of the houses:
Il popolo kurdo a fianco dell'Italia!
Solidarietà è Resistenza!
Non torniamo alla normalita' perche' la normalita' e' il problema
La salute è un diritto!
Restiamo in Casa!"
The KCDK-E will also run a HASHTAG campaign for the Italian people around the world at 6 pm.