Memorial event for YPJ fighter Roşna Egîd in Lausanne

A memorial service for YPJ fighter Roşna Egîd, killed in a Turkish drone attack in Rojava, took place in Lausanne.

A memorial service for Roşna Egîd (Zülfiye Binbir) took place in Lausanne. The Kurdish freedom fighter died in a targeted drone attack by the Turkish state in Rojava on 2 September 2023. Roşna Egîd came from the Dicle district of Amed (Diyarbakir) and joined the freedom movement in 1991. Her relatives live in Lausanne, and her brother Zülfü Binbir is co-chair of the Democratic Kurdish Community Centre in Lausanne.

On Saturday, many people came to the Kurdish Community Centre to condole with the relatives of the fallen fighter. After a welcoming speech by the Association of Martyrs’ Families (KOMAW), a minute's silence was held. Hatice Kandal from the Kurdish Women's Association in Switzerland (YJK-S) pointed out in a speech that the Turkish state specifically attacks pioneers of the women's movement, saying: "The attack on Rojna Egîd was also aimed at the achievements of Kurdish women that had been fought for decades. It is no coincidence that women fighters fighting on Leader Apo's [Abdullah Öcalan's] freedom line are attacked. However, the women's liberation struggle is irreversible and will continue under all circumstances.”

Zülfü Binbir said: "I offer my condolences to Leader Apo and our people. Roşna Egîd is a martyr of the Kurdish people. My sister rebelled against the feudal way of life 33 years ago and fought for freedom in all parts of Kurdistan. The achievements fought for are thanks to people like Roşna Egîd, who dedicated their entire lives to the resistance. Our task is to accept the legacy of resistance left by Comrade Roşna and to continue the struggle,” said Zülfü Binbir.